United States the November employment report

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United States the November employment report will be published, as investor attention. This is Donald Trump WINS after the jobs report.

He campaigned on the promise will improve employment. Trump may 1000 jobs to keep Carrier company complacent, but Friday's poor jobs report may show a trend, manufacturing jobs continued to decline.

In October, manufacturing jobs fell by 53,000 in the same period a year earlier. But overall is expected to turn better.

Investigation for CNNMoney's average analyst forecast, United States jobs in November was 181,000, above, published in October, added 161,000 people.
Unemployment currently stands at 4.9%, only half of its 2009 high of 10%.
But On Friday, the global stock market performance.

In premarket trading, United States futures down about 0.15% to 0.5%. European stock markets in early trading, all fell.

Asian stocks sharply lower today. Italy Sunday a referendum could seriously affect the political and economic situation.

Italy stocks down about 1% on Friday, tumbled 22% this year. The referendum results could force the Prime Minister to resign and trigger a banking crisis, and ultimately could prompt Italy to exit the eurozone.

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