The Economist :dollar surge would be a global disaster

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Since Donald Trump was elected United States President, the dollar index has risen 2.57%.
On Thursday the dollar index also surged 102 points of integer points,Breaking the 14 high.

Pushed the dollar index soared, however, the main reason is because Trump was elected United States President,To execute the plan now is to release United States public debt,purpose is to augment the infrastructure stimulus measures,market expectations of the future of the United States supply of oyster omelet will take increased,surge in interest rates will cause the price to fall.

Due to the interest rate is the price,United States surge in bond yields, and the dollar index rose.
Market interest rates rising rapidly, making US dollar liquidity as a whole has been rapidly tightening,London interbank lending at present 3-month us $ LIBOR interest rates, until last Friday (25) has surged to 0.927%, its new high since March 2009, shows the current global financial market, there have been serious "dollar shortage".

Market interest rates rose, are priming the global binge to chase the dollar, Yen at low interest rates, for example, the current 3-month Japanese Yen the dollar basis swaps, have emerged in recent crashes fell to 81.75 points, this phenomenon means that, no matter how expensive the dollar price now, the market is willing to "discount" buy

The Economist said summing up the above, the Trump name pursuit of United States trade account balance, is trying to set up trade barriers under the policy framework, estimates will continue to stimulate the demand for dollars in the market, taking the dollar index surged, rising US interest rates. But for companies or countries around the world, and has been able to take advantage of extremely low market interest rates, to the era of market funding, "low cost" of the era, I am afraid, has officially bid farewell to the world.

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