Fed : Raising interest rates is to "secure" the United States economy continues to strengthen

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CNBC reported, long yilai that support joint associate will (Fed) rose card of Eagle sent officials: Cleveland branch President Loretta Mester) Wednesday (30th) said, she support Fed in December of FOMC Conference Shang again heavy picked up rose card cycle, Mestre said, Fed two degrees rose card and not on United States economic caused pressure, instead will will makes United States economic more can steadily recovery.

Meester believes that Fed back to the market to raise interest rates in a yard, is the decision of an appropriate, current Fed monetary policy, did not lag behind market trends, but if the Fed in December, choose to sit on their hands, the estimated risk will rise significantly in the future. Mestre said: "I think the Fed raise interest rates modestly again is pretty convenient, current United States Economic Outlook and risks are roughly balanced, but if the Fed to raise interest rates again, it will be more prudent move.

Vision 2017 United States Economic Outlook, Mestre supported the Fed's Economic Outlook, Mestre estimates that United States labour market will continue to rise, while the growth rate of GDP growth, will also be slightly above average.

In the United States economy continued to improve, the labor market will continue to grow steadily under prospective, Mestre forecasts expected United States inflation will be stable in the year 2017 to 2% inflation-targeting as a closer. According to CME fed Fund rate futures prices implied the market estimated the chances of the Fed may raise interest rates in December and shot on Wednesday (30th) have increased further to 96.3%.

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