United Kingdom £ exit effects disappear after the storm calmed

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United Kingdom off Ou Gong after the vote, Sterling rate rose to its highest level since the Asian financial crisis, has now dropped to its lowest level since the beginning of October.

Sterling has regained United Kingdom off Ou Gong after vote lost ground and became the only currency to rise against the dollar this month. Economic performance also helped the pound, and although officials expected economic slowdown next year, and fears that United Kingdom Government to launch Europe back the goal before the end of March next year, but strong consumer spending helped offset the impact of these negative factors.

Trump also plays a role: Donald Trump in the United States presidential election win, as well as increased political risks in Europe, traders focused on United Kingdom back Europe will also focus on the other aspects. "We've priced in a lot of negative news and United Kingdom off European concerns, took a wait-and-see attitude at present," the Germany Central Bank in Frankfurt, said Sonja Marten, head of foreign exchange strategy. "Contribute to the positive elements of the economy.

」 Pound's recent resilience, is expected to pound not soared.

Analysts in a Bloomberg survey expected pounds by the end of next March dropped to 1.22 dollars in London trading on Friday around $1.24. Pound sterling is currently ranked seventh in G-10 currency volatility, earlier this month ranked second.

£ 3 month implied volatility against the dollar to 10.1%, the lowest level since October 3, below the high of 21% hit on June 24. Spain Bank, London G-10 and Peter Frank said, global head of foreign exchange strategy in Asia, I think the problem has shifted to other places.

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