Entrepreneur worries trump tariffs policy that United States economic growth

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Former Office Depot Executive and President Steve Odland said Tuesday the Committee for Economic Development (6th) accepts the CNBC visit, levy customs duties and will not be a satisfactory way because it might hinder the United States economic growth.

United States President-elect Donald Trump reiterated the United States imported goods subject to customs duties or other taxes, Trump on Sunday (4th) to Twitter again to address the issues, threatened if companies leave, so that enterprises in the United States domestic sales 35% products will be subject to tax. But Steve Odland in the interview said that United States only 5% per cent of the global population, "we have a great economy, but if we want to continue to keep the economy growing, we need contact with other 95%. Trade is a two-way street, we want to export, but you cannot then tax on imports.

For example, Steve Odland said consumers would increase. Moreover, many imports in the United States for manufactured goods or reassembled, "I don't think we should leave this two-way street for tariffs, and these tariffs will be, additional taxes on our product and our cost. I think we should calm down and solve this problem.

 Economist a. Gary Shilling President Gary Shilling does not necessarily support the tax, but thought that Trump was really interested in trying to create a fair competitive environment, "he claims to be the world's top negotiating talent, and I think he's working on doing, is to gain an edge on the Board to throw out the gambit, then how do we get there from here.

 Steve Odland, however believes that Thorpe will still have to deal with the United States of the potential problems, "we have to deal with issues relating to regulation and taxation, and that will be our to keep jobs at home, the best way to do it. 

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