China market is growing fast! Starbucks: will one day surpass United States

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Starbucks expects fast-growing China market will one day surpass United States market. The company said on Wednesday it will over the next 5 years in new 12,000 stores worldwide, global head office come to 37,000.

Nearly half of the number of stores will open in China and the United States. "Our core businesses in the United States, as well as the steady growth of the world.

"The Chairman and Chief Executive Howard Schultz of Starbucks on investor day, analysts said. Schultz also again stressed he had once said: "it is the early stages of development of our company, if Starbucks is a book has 20 chapters, we are now only in the 4th or 5th.

"The demand is there, and we cast a capital and capital returns is very adaptable. "Starbucks Chairman and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Johnson said.

According to Schultz, said Johnson will be in April, Starbucks ' Chief Executive, Schultz will continue to assume the role of Chairman. At Wednesday's meeting, Starbucks executives indicated they would focus in addition to focusing on the general store, also have an advanced collection of Starbucks coffee.

Who sell 10 Yuan a cup of premium coffee, 1/5 of turnover by 2021. In addition, Starbucks plans to the Princi brand shop. Starbucks is scheduled for 2015, with several major markets including New York, Seattle, Chicago, extension points.

In addition, the Princi also appears in all the positions collection of Starbucks coffee. Starbucks said a five-year strategic plan, expected per-share earnings growth reckons, and target same-store sales to fall in the middle of a single digit range.

Starbucks expects this season's retail value increased at an annual rate came to 10%. "I think some of you will worry United States businesses slowed, but frankly I don't think so.

"Schultz told analysts. Schultz said Starbucks will open 500-600 stores a year, and the new store also is much better than before. Schultz also said that Chinese market particularly attractive for Starbucks. "Not only is China one day than the United States, but our shows in China, we will be one of the most successful consumer brands in China.

 Market is Starbucks's fastest-growing market in China, while management believes that 5 years in the China market in the future revenue and operating profit there is opportunity to grow nearly 3 times.

Starbucks opens a new store every 15 hours in China, will soon reach 2,500 stores in 118 cities. "Despite our early success, we are still at an early stage in the story. "Starbucks Chief Executive Belinda Wong told analysts on Wednesday. "Within the next 5 years, we are ready to take in more than 200 cities expand the shop twice to 5,000.

 Wong said that urbanization and an emerging middle class in China will make the rapid expansion of the coffee market. Companies are also expected, Teavana teas brand owned by Starbucks in China, "a lot of potential.

Wong pointed out that because of Asia's economic surge of the past 10 years, more than 230 million people in China have become middle class. Everscore ISI analyst Matt McGinley pointed out in a research note this week: "Chinese coffee consumption is still at a low point, but is growing fast. On a per capita basis, Chinese coffee consumption only United States consumers about 2%, and about Japan consumer 3% not.

」 Starbucks also said innovation in food and coffee ice drink, is the key to its growth in the future.

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